Going Back to Oahu

I’m going back to Oahu tomorrow! The last time I went to Oahu — or Hawaii for that matter — was right at the end of 2017 to visit my housemate David and his lovely girlfriend, Lynn. This time Jackie and I will be visiting them together, but this time David’s no longer our housemate and they’re married (we were supposed to be there last June, but couldn’t due to COVID)! Jackie and I are also super excited to go on another adventure to a place we’ve never been together. We’re not sure of all we’re going to get up to, though we know we’ll be in good hands with our friends making us feel at home. COVID is still happening at large, so we’ve had to do a number of things to prepare for the journey of going back to Oahu.

Goodbye 2020

Goodbye 2020; Happy New Year 2021!

Can you believe it, the year is FINALLY ending today and we all finally get to say goodbye 2020! What a relief! In hindsight, if I would have known about the little getting around I would do in 2020, I would have done a better job of planning what to do with this year that barely happened. I’m thankful to be saying goodbye to one of the most challenging years most all of us have ever experienced. Before I do, I figure I should share some of the good and the bad of 2020 that I’ve experienced this year and my optimistic view of 2021.

Catania Trip Postponed

Postponing Our Trip To Catania, Italy

With everything going on with regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have decided on postponing our trip to Catania, Italy.  It’s worth saying that I am not afraid of traveling to Italy, in fact, I think it would be a wonderful time of year to go and probably much less crowded than normal (bonus!), however, I am afraid of it spreading further do to my want, not need, to visit a place that has been set to Category 3 by the CDC (Avoid Nonessential Travel).  I really wanted to go to Catania and see Sicily, but it just isn’t worth possibly spreading this to my friends and family after I return.
