Trips, Tips, and Tricks

First Time At SXSW


This last week I went to Austin, Texas for work, seeing friends, and SXSW (South by South West). The trip didn’t last as long as I would have liked (like most), but in the time I was there, I had a blast. I’m actually quite exhausted from a week of getting up early to get work done, and stopping in the early afternoon to go out and enjoy what SXSW had to offer until late into the night.

I spent the majority of my time with my friends and hosts, Jake and Maria, whom I met in Puerto Rico last New Year (2014-15). Along with them, I made new friends along the way and caught up with old ones.

I’ll be back in Portland for this weekend before heading out again to San Ramon (3/21-25). You never know about San Ramon, but it should be a decent enough time.

If you want some more details about SXSW or my time in Austin, then keep on reading! (more…)

Headed To Austin for SXSW


I’m sitting in the Seattle Alaska Airlines lounge complimentary of my Lounge Club card.  I’m waiting here for my flight to Austin which I’ll be in for the next week to partake in SXSW.  I’ve heard great things about the conference/festival/party and decided I finally needed to go check it out.  I have been to Austin a number of times for work, and this one will be a lot like those, except in the evenings, I’ll be enjoying the life of SXSW.  One of the biggest perks to Austin though is seeing and catching up with awesome friends I have in the area.  Can’t wait to get back into Austin! (more…)

Save Money Flying KLM-AMS Direct

My friend Melissa pointed this hack out to me and I’m glad she did.  Melissa hit me up the other day asking me a way to save some money on getting to Amsterdam from Portland towards the end of May.  I told her to consider other directs from places like Seattle or Vancouver, but she was able to make her direct from PDX a lot cheaper. (more…)

First Taste Of Chile

Torres Glacier Gray JasonWednesday (January 13th) I returned from a fast moving almost-three week trip around the beautiful country of Chile.  This was my first taste of Chile, and for that matter, South America.  The trip ranged from numerous long flights, beautiful wineries, fireworks on the beaches of Valparaiso, taking it easy enjoying the restaurants, cafes, and parks in Santiago, overnight hiking in Southern Patagonia, and playing with Penguins as far south from home as I’d ever been.  Just like any trip, it wasn’t long enough, but I had quite the adventure and am glad to share with you my first taste of Chile. (more…)

Off To Punta Arenas – Patagonia Chile

torres-del-paineSitting here at Gerardo’s place in Santiago, Chile.  I’m getting my bag together to catch my flight for Punta Arenas with Lewis and Gerardo.  Our flight leaves Santiago around 9:45pm and gets into Punta Arenas around 1am.  Punta Arenas is the equivalent to going to Alaska, and silly enough, I only packed for mild-summer weather.  I went to the mall here and picked up a pair of hiking books for the upcoming plan of going into Patagonia.  Hopefully we don’t freeze. (more…)

Year In Review: 2015

2015 was pretty darn amazing.  Though I haven’t been able to do everything on my list, I’ve been able to keep up my joy of exploring the world, flying people around, spending times with family and friends, and maintaining employment through the year.  This is a “year in review” recap of 2015 with one more trip to go (headed to Chile on Monday!).  I hope you realize that you too can get out and see the world with a full-time job.



PDX->SNA (FTU)->SFO (Work)->PDX->SEA->LWS->Home


The title of this post is quite the cluster, but it is what my upcoming week is going to look like.  Prior to yesterday, I was going to go to Newport Beach, CA to attend Frequent Travel University (FTU) and then come back to Portland, work here through Thursday, and then fly out to Lewiston, Idaho to visit my grandma.  Well, a wrench was throne into the situation and now I’m also going to San Ramon for a four-day deep-dive for my work.  Now, I’m hitting the following airports before finally getting back home next Sunday. (more…)

Review: Bluesmart Smart Carry-On

Last year I pitched in for the Bluesmart Smart Carry-On on through Indiegogo.  When I first read about it, I was pretty excited and signed up pretty hastily.  I hit them up and requested a refund, but after some thinking it over, I decided to stick with my decision and try it out before making a change.  The scheduled date of was supposed to be in August, but that didn’t happen.  Instead I just got my suitcase Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  Here are some of my thoughts. (more…)


Jason [Does Not] Get Around


As much as I travel, I really don’t have too many problems usually, however, there are those days I just can’t control.

Finishing up a trip in Austin, Texas with a number of my coworkers from the Portland office, we ended up being stranded due to flash flooding from some terrible weather around the Austin airport.

I went to bed Thursday night enjoying some good weather in the later evening, but woke up to threats of flooding and tornadoes around the city. (more…)

Alaska Airlines 72-hour Sale

Alaska Airlines is having a 72 Hour Flight Sale on their Site until October 15th.  Just plug in your city and select where you want to go.  Perhaps you’ll get a sweet deal on a place you’ve been trying to get to coming up!  Where are you gonna go? (more…)