Alaska Postponed: Another Trip Bites The Dust

Alaska Postponed

In light of the current situation going on, the trip I was planning for my mom has now been postponed for another day. This just after the trip to Italy was canceled/postponed a week ago (would have been there today if it hadn’t of been – thankfully we didn’t go!). My mom has some health complications that would be at risk with COVID-19 and it just isn’t worth taking the chance just to go on a vacation. Thankfully Alaska Airlines refunded the full fair which will be used another day.

It’s really not a surprise with everything going on, but it is a bummer. I’ve been planning to take my mom on a trip for some time, and again, it’s going to be delayed. Original plans were to go on a cruise, but that’s for sure out with most ships being stuck due to quarantining people. I’ll gladly stick around Portland area in the spring than risk going on a boat with a bunch of people or a trip that I don’t have to take.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a traveler and want to be out there on the road, but at this point in time, the risks far outweigh the rewards. I’m a healthy person, but I have family and friends who aren’t that I want to eventually be around!

I’ve still got a number of trips planned in the coming months, but for now, I’ll plan on staying around home.

What about you? Are you postponing or canceling trips? Staying home? If not, how come? Yes, travel is currently cheaper than ever, but is it worth possibly spreading it to others? Leave me a comment below!

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.

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