Diving The Great Barrier Reef

I’m aboard a ship.  The ship is called The Kangaroo Explorer.  I arrived on this ship by booking a three day and two night live-aboard diving trip through Cairns Dive Centre.  We set off out of Cairns on the 5th of January towards the Great Barrier Reef and by the time I post this, I’ll have completed 10 new dives.  Eight of them during daylight and two at night.  The trip has been exhausting, but exhilarating at the same time.  Once this trip is over I’ll have logged 21 dives in the month and a half that I’ve been diving.  So awesome!  I met a fellow “stater” from Louisiana on the boat and quickly got to talking about our travels.  He’s quite the guy and definitely was great diving with and getting to know better.  Brian, if you read this, I’m looking forward to making a trip to Malta here in the next couple years with ya!

I’m not sure if I’ll go diving around New Zealand while I’m there, but I’m not worried if I don’t do any there as I’ve got both Fiji and Hawaii to follow where I’ll be sure to dive.

I return from this trip on the 7th and will have one more evening in Cairns before flying out to New Zealand where I’ll be spending two weeks and some around the south island of New Zealand in a van with no AC.  Hopefully this won’t be an issue, but if NZ is anything like I’ve seen in movies and heard from others, it just won’t matter.

A long time ago back when I was in university, I had many conversations with a co-worker about how he lived in New Zealand and how I always have wanted to go there.  Well, it’s not much longer until that day happens.  I am so excited for what lies ahead.  I can’t wait to see the hobbits around The Shire, all the elves in the woods, and as long as I’m sneaky, see some orcs around Mordor.  I’ve heard so many amazing things about the views of New Zealand.  I’m hoping I haven’t built it up too much!

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for JasonGetsAround.com as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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