For Comfort: Pack Less

I left Portland yesterday and quickly realized that I’ve got too much stuff in my pack!  Not that the weight was a bother (at the moment), but the size of my pack was annoying. Making me realize that for comfort, I need to pack less.

I originally was going to pack just a 35-liter pack before I starting thinking of what I was bringing and decided to upgrade to a 70-liter pack (50-liter main, with a 20-liter attachable backpack).

It’s an awesome pack and will get me far, but before I left out of Portland I packed the pack fully (on accident) and also packed up my little pack.  Horrible idea.

Well with the help of my super amazingly awesome friend Paige, we took the time to go through all I brought and find out what isn’t necessary to bring.  Before I just started throwing things in my bag without giving it a lot of thought and she helped me take out all those extra items I don’t really need or are duplicates.

I’ve now have the following:

  • 3 t-shirts
  • 3 button-ups
  • 2 long sleeve shirts
  • 1 rain jacket
  • 5 underwears
  • 5 socks
  • 2 undershirts
  • 1 reversible belt
  • Light scarf
  • 1 alpaca blanket (Lewis hooked me up)
  • 1 inflatable pillow
  • 1 microfiber towel
  • Toiletries
  • Computer/tablet/pc with charger
  • etc.

I took out quite a bit.  Like five shirts, an airplane pillow, an extra battery deal with a large charger, underwear, socks, etc.  I just simply packed too much.

Now my small pack can fit in my big pack making it so that I don’t have to carry two packs (annoying).

The San Francisco area has been fun times.  Currently at Paige’s place in Oakland listening to all her roommate’s banter while cleaning their place.  It’s great.


By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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