I’m Not Dead!

Hey all you Vicarious Living readers, I just wanted you to know that I’m alive and well.

My trip was hijacked by my good friend Bobby’s sister, Michelle, coming to travel with me for a month.  The time wasn’t there to keep this updated. Then,  in the first few days after meeting up with her…I left the charger for my computer that allowed me to make the posts I was making before at some place we slept at. Whoops.  Now I’m left with making all travel updates through my phone. Pictures have been uploaded to Facebook as the majority of followers are on there.

Microsoft has shipped a new charger to my parents arriving there in a couple days. They’ll then ship me the charger somewhere over here in SE Asia. That’s the problem with buying new technology before leaving on a trip!

As of writing this entry, I’m sitting at a beach restaurant called Funky Fish on Long Beach Koh Lanta watching the giant waves tackling venturing foreigners. The rain is happening more often than not which is quite a drag.  Life however is sweet and I’m glad to be here still.

Perhaps I should look to going underwater and doing some diving as about a week or so ago, I got my Open Water PADI diver certification.

Michelle left the 19th back to Portland and since then I’ve met some amazing people and got back to traveling solo. Feels different after traveling with one person for a month, but feels great.  I had quite the adventure with Michelle. She’s a great easy going traveler and helped me keep my cool a couple times where I need to shut up.  We didn’t know each other much before the trip, but we do now for sure.

I’ve got about five days or so before getting into Singapore where I’ll be just a couple nights then off to Bali, Indonesia. Here’s hoping this weather starts being more accommodating!

Love and miss you all.


By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for JasonGetsAround.com as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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