Last Leg: Seattle to Portland

Wow…it’s here.  The last flight of my big trip around the South Pacific.  I can’t believe it is here.  It’s a bitter-sweet occasion for sure as I just want to keep traveling, but really looking forward to seeing some much missed faces.  Time to replenish the accounts though by doing that “job” thing again.  It’s all good though, I’m actually looking forward to getting back into my career path and see what I can make of it after this hiatus.

My last day in Hawaii was pretty great.  Nathan, Cuong, Suzanne, and myself finished packing, cleaning the house, then went to the pool and the beaches one last time.  Took a road trip through the hills heading north towards the top of the big island.  We finished our day walking through the shops of Kona just taking it easy in the warm weather before departing to the cold.

I like the cold at times, and it’ll be nice after so many months of chasing the sun, but it’s still cold…and I’m just not as acclimated to it as I once was.  Oh well.

Here’s to shivering in Portland!


By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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