Trips, Tips, and Tricks

Hiking Horsetail Falls Loop

Horsetail Falls Loop

This weekend, my friend Cassie and I went on a hike around Horsetail Falls.  For someone who has almost lived in Portland five years, I’ve never been to this location.  Just makes me realize that there is a ton of the Gorge area that I haven’t seen yet.

We talked a few days before about getting some hiking in as I’ve only got a few more weeks till I hike up Mt. St. Helens once again (it’ll be my 4th time!).  We didn’t have a clue where we were going, and knew we didn’t have a ton of time to do a long one.  So instead of driving far into the Gorge area and getting some real miles into a hike, we went the easy route and did this one here. (more…)

Holidays in Puerto Rico

wpid-img_20141227_182453.jpgThis last Christmas-eve (like two weeks ago), my friend, Bobby, and I went on an adventure to Puerto RIco for Christmas and the New Years.  We’ve been friends for a long time, but this was our first time traveling together outside of work, and though I wasn’t sure about how the trip would go, we quickly found it was quite an awesome trip. (more…)

Burning Man 2014

By S. Reutiman

The 105 foot Man

Last Monday, Burning Man 2014 came to a close for me.  I was sad to leave this new home of mine, but glad to get back to greener pastures (literally, it was a white desert out there and getting back to green Oregon was so great!).  My experience of the event was very positive and left me wanting more.  I’m not going to go into details about all of my experiences at Burning Man, however I will give some highlights and incites (plus some pretty pictures). (more…)

Hawaiian Weddings

Cuong, The Happy Couple, Me

After Fiji came my return the United States of America by going through Hawaii to see Lewis (my brother/former roomy/a best friend/the man) get married to the gorgeous and wonderful Annamarie.  I was so blessed to be in attendance to their wedding and especially being one of his men by his side to bring him to his wedding day. (more…)

New Zealand: 12 Days In


It’s 9am and I’m sitting at a park table next to the van that I’ve been riding in the last 12 days and I’ve realized that I haven’t been able to post anything until now.  Internet in New Zealand isn’t just hard to come by, but it is expensive, so sorry VicLiv, you’ve had to fall victim to the price.  Oh well, I’m writing now, you should be happy, let’s move on. (more…)

Hello. I’m in Australia: Memento Style


Soooooooooooooooooooooooo…good news. For Christmas, I finally got my computer charged again, so I can actually make posts with a keyboard rather than using my phone, camera, uhhhh…mobile device.  My parents sent over a new charger that Microsoft sent to their house.  It cost a lot, but I also got my watch replaced (it wasn’t elephant wrestling proof so it went down the Mekong river) so that was also in the box.

Now that I have my computer again and can make real posts, guess I don’t have an excuse not to update this site once again.  Sorry for taking so long! (more…)