First Taste Of Chile

Wednesday (January 13th) I returned from a fast moving almost-three week trip around the beautiful country of Chile.  This was my first taste of Chile, and for that matter, South America.  The trip ranged from numerous long flights, beautiful wineries, fireworks on the beaches of Valparaiso, taking it easy enjoying the restaurants, cafes, and parks… Continue reading First Taste Of Chile

Off To Punta Arenas – Patagonia Chile

Sitting here at Gerardo’s place in Santiago, Chile.  I’m getting my bag together to catch my flight for Punta Arenas with Lewis and Gerardo.  Our flight leaves Santiago around 9:45pm and gets into Punta Arenas around 1am.  Punta Arenas is the equivalent to going to Alaska, and silly enough, I only packed for mild-summer weather. … Continue reading Off To Punta Arenas – Patagonia Chile

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