Off to Europe Again: Portugal, Czechia, Hungary, and Ireland!

This picture was taken my first trip to Lisbon for my birthday April 2013.

Another #jasongetsaroundwithjackie European adventure is taking flight! From Portland to New York to Lisbon to Prague, with more of Europe to come. This afternoon, Jackie and I are heading over to New York for a couple of long days before we depart on another adventure together in Europe. We’re both super excited about making this… Continue reading Off to Europe Again: Portugal, Czechia, Hungary, and Ireland!

Going Back to Oahu

I’m going back to Oahu tomorrow! The last time I went to Oahu — or Hawaii for that matter — was right at the end of 2017 to visit my housemate David and his lovely girlfriend, Lynn. This time Jackie and I will be visiting them together, but this time David’s no longer our housemate… Continue reading Going Back to Oahu

Adventures in Costa Rica and Nicaragua

[mappress mapid=”16″] This April, I went on an adventure to Costa Rica and Nicaragua with my friend Cristina.  I had never been to Nicaragua before so I was quite excited to make the journey happen.  Along with going to a new country, I had the chance to visit my friend Brendan down there who had… Continue reading Adventures in Costa Rica and Nicaragua

Coming Soon: Birthdays in Costa Rica & Nicaragua

This Friday, I’m headed out of Portland with my friend Cristina to Liberia, Costa Rica and soon after to the west side of Nicaragua to see my friend Brendan’s property.  Brendan has been out there since the middle of January and I figure it is about time to pay a visit and see what this… Continue reading Coming Soon: Birthdays in Costa Rica & Nicaragua

Blue Lagoon Alternatives: Iceland’s Other Hot Springs

There are well over a million visitors heading to Iceland every year these days and the number one tourist attraction is the Blue Lagoon Geothermal Spa.  Known for it’s pearl blue water and beauty, it is also known to be quite packed with people (a reservation is recommend), and also comes at a hefty price… Continue reading Blue Lagoon Alternatives: Iceland’s Other Hot Springs

First Taste Of Chile

Wednesday (January 13th) I returned from a fast moving almost-three week trip around the beautiful country of Chile.  This was my first taste of Chile, and for that matter, South America.  The trip ranged from numerous long flights, beautiful wineries, fireworks on the beaches of Valparaiso, taking it easy enjoying the restaurants, cafes, and parks… Continue reading First Taste Of Chile

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