Carbon Footprint Offsetting with EasyJet


I likely fly more often than most and tend to forget the effect I have on carbon emissions – my carbon footrpint.  One thing to consider is how to actively perform ‘carbon offsetting’ to reduce my footprint.  As much as I want to do my part, it’s great to see an airline like EasyJet making big efforts on how they can perform ‘carbon offsetting’ themselves (makes my offsetting easier!) to reduce their own carbon footprint.  EasyJet has a great writeup of what they’re doing to reduce their own carbon footprint.

Even though EasyJet is doing their part, it means that many other airlines out their need to start doing their own – as well as us frequent fliers.  Back in my boyscout days I use to do projects where we would go plant trees.  It’s not something I’ve done in years, so perhaps I’ll start thinking of how I could get involved in that once again or what other ways I could be more sustainable for offsettting my flying and reduce my carbon footprint.

What are some ways that you practive carbon footprint offsetting?  Please leave a comment below!


What this means for you: The fact that we’re the first major airline to offset the carbon emissions from the fuel used for all flights means that if you do choose to fly, flying with us is a more sustainable choice.  In terms of your experience, everything will remain exactly the same. The cost of your flight will not be impacted by our efforts to reduce carbon emissions and neither will the performance of the plane itself or your overall safety.

What is carbon offsetting?  Carbon offsetting is the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere.  This means making sure that for every tonne of CO2 emitted by our planes, there is one tonne less in the atmosphere.  We can do this by investing in projects which physically remove CO2 from the air such as planting more trees or protecting against deforestation.  Carbon can be offset in this way because one tonne of CO2 has the same climate impact wherever it is emitted.

Source: EasyJet Sustainability – Carbon Offsetting

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.

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