Passport Renewal Time: Remembering the Decade

Passport 2: Front

Today, I say goodbye to one of my most trusted travel companions, my passport for it is passport renewal time!

This passport and I have traveled some long distances to many amazing and beautiful places.

It has been with me longer than most of the people I know, though it has been a reason I have met so many of those people.

I got this passport in August 2010, right before my first had expired knowing I had many adventures ahead of me.

It was during a time of big changes in my life:
  • A few months earlier I had moved to Portland.
  • I had just started my kickass and long journey to become a pilot (which I became in 2014 and am still flying my Cessna 172 when I can).
  • And eventually ending a multi-year relationship.
With my first passport, I had been to just a few countries:
  • Mexico (15 years old)
  • El Salvador (16)
  • Canada (24)

I always knew that I wanted to travel more, but I wasn’t aware of how far I would actually go with this new passport by my side.

Well, let me tell you, I went pretty damn far!!!

Though It took about a year after getting my new passport for me to use it to get out of the USA.

Let me tell you about the trip I give credit to me becoming a traveler was in March of 2011.

My younger brother, Aaron, had hit me up about going to Hawaii with him and a friend and since I’d never been, I jumped on it.

Another reason is that I had just joined up with a new group of people called “Couch Surfers“.

Couch Surfers are usually people who want to travel and are willing to sleep on whatever is available to keep the costs low.

We were all connected via a website called (now

At the time, Portland had a group of these folks who would meet weekly and after going to the first couple, I was hooked.

There were so many like-minded people who have either been travelers themselves or had an interest in doing so. My kind of people and a huge reason I am who I am today.

These people sparked an interest in me that I couldn’t resist, so when my brother asked me to go – I went!

That first travel adventure was one of the most eye-opening experiences I’ve ever had.

We met locals, we kept our costs super low, we rented gear instead of buying tours, we splurged on great food, we swam with wild dolphins, turtles, and thousands of fish.

We really experienced as much as we could in the week we were on the Big Island. A trip I’ll always remember as the one that provoked my sense of adventure and openness to everything.

Soon after I was planning out my next trip, one that would let me use the new passport in hand that would be with me until these next couple of days – two weeks in Europe. After that, I knew I wouldn’t ever stop traveling and experiencing what this world has in store!

Since getting my passport, I’ve traveled quite a bit:
Year2011201220132014201520162017201820192020All Time
Distance26,553 mi30,563 mi41,660 mi42,678 mi46,533 mi43,986 mi72,777 mi61,914 mi17,178 mi10,159 mi403,072 mi
394,000 miles traveled through 34 new Countries
  1. Germany
  2. France
  3. Ireland
  4. Costa Rica
  5. Spain
  6. Portugal
  7. Morocco
  8. England
  9. China
  10. Vietnam
  11. Cambodia
  12. Laos
  13. Thailand
  14. Singapore
  15. Indonesia
  16. Australia
  17. New Zealand
  18. Fiji
  19. Puerto Rico
  20. Chile
  21. Iceland
  22. Netherlands
  23. Belgium
  24. Switzerland
  25. Nicaragua
  26. Scotland
  27. Honduras
  28. India
  29. Cuba
  30. Hong Kong
  31. Macau
  32. Philippines
  33. Italy
  34. Czech Republic

Not too shabby for passport number 2! We’ve had one hell of a ride!

Now it’s passport renewal time so onto Passport number 3, oh the places we will go! I’ve decided to get the big passport (extra pages) this decade as I’ve been on two-pages-need-to-be-available for too long!

It’s fair to say I’m annoyed that I have to renew now even though my passport doesn’t expire until August 8th! However, there are too many countries out there that require there to be six months left on a passport to allow entry. I’m sure there’s a good reason for it all, but I don’t like it!

Honestly, I shouldn’t complain really because I needed to renew anyway because, as I said above, I only have two blank pages left, which is another “rule” in place.

For your enjoyment, I’ve taken photos of my current passport for those who care to take a gander!

Some unusual stamps I have are the ones that say PASSPORT 88NV on page 14 and 21. Those are stamps I received when flying into Burning Man (I have flown my plane three times AT Burning Man, but I have only flown twice INTO Burning Man)!

Here’s to another ten years of amazing adventures with Passport number 3! Goodbye Passport number 2, you will forever be remembered!

Do you have a story about your passport renewal? If so, share below!

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.

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