Ixa’s Birthday Dog Mountain Hike

This weekend, Ixa turned a year older and to celebrate I took her hiking up Dog Mountain with Ilona, Ryan, his wife and their dog.  Ixa is a strong 75 pound pup and even though she was worn out as much as I was when we finished, she was a trooper and kept us going.  This was my first time up Dog Mountain and I’m glad we timed it right for the beautiful wild flowers up top.  It took us a few hours to go up the three miles and three thousand feet of elevation hike and over an hour back.  Great hike to prep Ryan and myself for Mt. St. Helens next weekend to hike up to the top my fourth time.

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for JasonGetsAround.com as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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