PDX->SNA (FTU)->SFO (Work)->PDX->SEA->LWS->Home


The title of this post is quite the cluster, but it is what my upcoming week is going to look like.  Prior to yesterday, I was going to go to Newport Beach, CA to attend Frequent Travel University (FTU) and then come back to Portland, work here through Thursday, and then fly out to Lewiston, Idaho to visit my grandma.  Well, a wrench was throne into the situation and now I’m also going to San Ramon for a four-day deep-dive for my work.  Now, I’m hitting the following airports before finally getting back home next Sunday.

My Travel Cluster


My original plans were leaving today to head to Newport Beach, CA with Kristen (who gets to fly for close to free as my SWA Companion) and then head back to Portland around 10pm.  Someone decided at my work though that a meeting should happen at 8am on a Monday – thanks a lot.  To make that meeting, I have to be in San Ramon before 8am, well flights from Portland to San Francisco area and a drive to San Ramon was not going to happen Monday morning like I was hoping.  So instead, I cancelled our flights (as my companion, she can’t fly unless I fly), and booked a flight for her to get home ($142) and my work paid for me to fly to SFO.  Great, she can get home and I can go to San Ramon for work – oh joy!

Frequent Travel University – Newport Beach

I am looking forward to the two day travel hacking conference.  The last time I went I left with some great info that I was able to capitalize on (do the words Red Bird mean anything to anyone?).  Hopefully I will leave this one with even more info and even more tricks of the trade not normally shared with the world.


With those new plans to fly into San Francisco, rent a car, drive to San Ramon, work until mid-day Thursday gets me to the new plan to get me back to Portland around 6:30pm.  Though I’m not too excited to go, I think I will once I get on the road.  It’s just been a big headache fitting this into my already planned travels.


My last couple legs of flying will be after spending one night in Portland.  I’m then going to head out early on Friday to fly up to Lewiston, Idaho via Seattle to see my grandma and my mom – oh, and our dog Ruskee.  My gracious mother has been taking care of my grandma since the middle of April.  Things aren’t going well for my grandma, so I wanted to make sure I had a chance to go see her before things got worse.  A bonus to going is that I’ll be able to get my car back that I’ve had on loan to my mom since she left and since she’s been using my grandma’s car, it gives me chance to get it back.


Getting my car back won’t be the most exciting though.  I’ll have to make the six hour drive back to Portland.  Time to get a new audio book for the drive.  With all the flying though, I think a bit of a drive will do me some good.  Hopefully the weather will be in my favor and the roads won’t be to icy.

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It’ll be quite the whirlwind of traveling around the next ten days, but I think it will also be a lot of fun.  Good thing I actually like to travel!

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for JasonGetsAround.com as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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