Year In Review: 2015

2015 was pretty darn amazing.  Though I haven’t been able to do everything on my list, I’ve been able to keep up my joy of exploring the world, flying people around, spending times with family and friends, and maintaining employment through the year.  This is a “year in review” recap of 2015 with one more trip to go (headed to Chile on Monday!).  I hope you realize that you too can get out and see the world with a full-time job.

2015 Year In Review

Travel Log

2015 Total
Trips 20 53
Days 79 449
Distance 40,206 mi 190,728 mi
Cities 27 94
Countries 3 23


Dang, all over the place.

Being a Pilot

On top of traveling around, I’m a pilot, so I took a bunch of people flying.  Since I got my license in October of 2014, I have flown 60 people I’ve never flown before.  That’s completely awesome.

Life In Portland

I also lived a pretty awesome life in Portland with awesome friends.  Though there were some hiccups when it came to family (dad in Salem having heart surgery, and grandma in Idaho diagnosed with cancer), overall it has been good.

Some highlights of life in Portland:

Final Thoughts On This Year In Review

Though there is just under a week left of 2015, and just one more trip to go, I’m pretty happy with how 2015 turned out and really excited for what 2016 has in store.  Though I don’t have any set plans for 2016, there are definitely traveling that will occur.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this “year in review” that I’ve written here in 2015 and look forward to what is to come in 2016!

Just remember to get out there and see the world.  Stop spending so much time and money on “things” and spend them on memories!

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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