Review: Hammocks by Flying Squirrel Outfitters (Win Your Own!)

I first heard about these hammocks being created by my friend Brian at Flying Squirrel Outfitters at the end of 2015 and finally got my hands on one early this year.  A couple weeks ago I got to make use of it and was so glad I did.

I went to a festival and was very glad I had this hammock.  I put this into a tree and not only had a great place to hang, it was super comfy so I got some great sleep, too.  The hammock was bright, good quality, and easy to setup and use.

I met Brian almost three years ago when I was traveling in Thailand.  He decided at the end of 2013 after he got back to Seattle that he was going to leave his job, sell all his positions, and move to Chang Mai to teach English to children.  Crazy to think that it has been over 2 and a half years since he made the leap and I’m pretty sure he has never looked back.

This last year, he started working with some locals to create Flying Squirrel Outfitters.  Him along with his employees hand make these excellent hammocks.

Their Mission

“Our handmade hammocks are made in the very homes of the creators, providing sustainable high-wage jobs for skilled seamstresses in impoverished villages in Northern Thailand.”

Hammock Colors

I remember when I was getting my hands on my first one and how many different color options there already were available.  I decided to go with the standard red and blue for my first one.

It looks great and based on pictures I’ve seen, so do the others.


Knowing Brian, he cares about quality and wouldn’t let something that he approves go out the door without it being of high quality and value.  Using it for the first time, I can tell a lot went into making this hammock different than the others.  The materials feel great, and it is very sturdy.  I’m sure this will last for quite a number of uses and I can’t wait to make that happen even more than I already have.

The Pouch

Unlike other hammocks I’ve ever seen, this hammock makes use of the whole hammock and bag.  Other hammocks will give you a bag that just sits there or is connected in such a way that it isn’t very functional.

FSO’s hammocks are different.

Instead of just having a bag that hangs around, they make it functional by using it as a tensioner of sorts.  Pull it towards you to make it into more of a seat, or loosen it up to give you the entire hammock feel.  It’s very useful for using your hammock in more ways than the normal lay-down-and-sleep.


Setting the hammock is as easy as can be.  Use the included ropes to wrap around a tree or post, then hook one end of your hammock to the rope.  Start pulling the hammock out of the pouch and get the other included rope around another tree and hook that end.  You’re good to go.  Use “The Pouch” to make it tight or loose depending on your wants.

WIN YOUR OWN! [Promotion is Dead]

FREE hammock Giveaway!!!

Excited to introduce their Ultralite hammock (11oz, W 4.5ft x L 8.3ft), and give 2 away for FREE! If you’re a minimalist traveler, then this is for YOU!

Enter to win by:
1. Enter your email on their website:
2. Sign up on their Facebook page, click the tab “Sign Up” or the “Email Signup” tab next to the “About” tab at the top of the page:

They’re giving away 2 of these new hammocks to 2 different winners randomly chosen at the end of the day this Saturday.

The 2 winners will be contacted by the email entered. If you are already on their email list then you are already entered to win.

**Gmail users be sure to check your promotions tab for their emails if you don’t see them in your primary inbox


Well there you have it.  An amazing hammock that you can win!  Get on it and you’ll be pretty happy if you end up winning.  Even if you don’t win, you should consider buying one…cause they’re awesome.

By Jason

Jason has been writing his adventures for a number of years now. He's the main contributor for as it's him actually going places. He is a world traveler, adventurer, storyteller, kickball player, pool shark, software engineer, and a licensed pilot.


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