Year In Review: 2016

Last year, I decided to take the time to look back at 2015 and review how things went, so I decided to take the time to go over this year to celebrate what I’ve accomplished and to make some goals for 2017.  2016 started strong with high hopes and carried that way the majority of… Continue reading Year In Review: 2016

Blue Lagoon Alternatives: Iceland’s Other Hot Springs

There are well over a million visitors heading to Iceland every year these days and the number one tourist attraction is the Blue Lagoon Geothermal Spa.  Known for it’s pearl blue water and beauty, it is also known to be quite packed with people (a reservation is recommend), and also comes at a hefty price… Continue reading Blue Lagoon Alternatives: Iceland’s Other Hot Springs

Year In Review: 2015

2015 was pretty darn amazing.  Though I haven’t been able to do everything on my list, I’ve been able to keep up my joy of exploring the world, flying people around, spending times with family and friends, and maintaining employment through the year.  This is a “year in review” recap of 2015 with one more… Continue reading Year In Review: 2015

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